The x32 subarchitecture may be removed
The x32 subarchitectureis a software variant of x86-64; it runs the processor in the 64-bit mode,but uses 32-bit pointers and arithmetic. The idea is to get the advantagesof x86-64 without the extra memory usage that goes along with it. Itseems, though, that x32 is not much appreciated; few distributions supportit and the number of users appears to be small. So now Andy Lutomirski isproposingits eventual removal:I propose that we make CONFIG_X86_X32 depend on BROKEN for a releaseor two and then remove all the code if no one complains. If anyonewants to re-add it, IMO they're welcome to do so, but they need to doit in a way that is maintainable.
If there are x32 users out there, now would be a good time for them tospeak up.