Woman finally rescued after three days trapped in a New York elevator
by Carla Sinclair from on (#47YSN)

A woman in Manhattan got stuck in an elevator Friday evening - and wasn't rescued until Monday morning.
According to HuffPost, the unidentified woman was cleaning a five-story townhouse in the Upper East Side of Manhattan when she became trapped in the elevator between the 2nd and 3rd floor. The homeowners were out of town for the entire weekend, the elevator didn't have a phone, and apparently she didn't have a cell phone on her.
Finally, on Monday morning, one of the homeowners came home, realized what had happened and called 911. Firefighters broke into the elevator around 10am, rescued the woman, and sent her to the hospital. Miraculously, she's in good condition.
Moral of the story for claustrophobic people like me: take the stairs.