My Friend Pedro review – action-movie mayhem without the fluff
PC, Nintendo Switch; DeadToast Entertainment/Devolver Digital
With no pretence at character or plot, this stylish shooter rewards the most acrobatic sequences of killings in the best-choreographed ballet of havoc
My Friend Pedro is the best moments of an action movie. It's your job to create them, whether by wall-running to dodge hails of bullets; kicking up a frying pan and ricocheting fire off it; or back-flipping off a skateboard, landing upside down on a swinging rope, smashing through a window and shotgunning some baddies in midair (yeah, I did that).
There does exist a story, although most of it seems to be an inside joke between its creator, Victor i...gren, and himself. Our unnamed, masked gunman is mates with a sentient floating banana, Pedro, who teaches him how to be a Jackie-Chan-meets-Trinity-from-the-Matrix badass. And then they kick ass, with the help of some Max Payne-inspired slo-mo bullet time.
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