Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (chromium), Debian (glib2.0 and python-django), Fedora (gvfs, kernel, kernel-headers, kernel-tools, and subversion), Oracle (icedtea-web, nss and nspr, and ruby:2.5), Red Hat (advancecomp, bind, binutils, blktrace, compat-libtiff3, curl, dhcp, elfutils, exempi, exiv2, fence-agents, freerdp and vinagre, ghostscript, glibc, gvfs, http-parser, httpd, kde-workspace, keepalived, kernel, kernel-rt, keycloak-httpd-client-install, libarchive, libcgroup, libguestfs-winsupport, libjpeg-turbo, libmspack, libreoffice, libsolv, libssh2, libtiff, libvirt, libwpd, linux-firmware, mariadb, mercurial, mod_auth_openidc, nss, nss-softokn, nss-util, and nspr, ntp, opensc, openssh, openssl, ovmf, patch, perl-Archive-Tar, polkit, poppler, procps-ng, python, python-requests, python-urllib3, qemu-kvm, qemu-kvm-ma, qt5, rsyslog, ruby, samba, sox, spice-gtk, sssd, systemd, tomcat, udisks2, unixODBC, unzip, uriparser, Xorg, zsh, and zziplib), SUSE (ardana packages, ceph, mariadb, postgresql10, python-requests, and python3), and Ubuntu (bash and glib2.0).