Splitting lines and numbering the pieces
As I mentioned in my computational survivalist post, I'm working on a project where I have a dedicated computer with little more than basic Unix tools, ported to Windows. It's given me new appreciation for how the standard Unix tools fit together; I've had to rely on them for tasks I'd usually do a different way.
I'd seen the nl command before for numbering lines, but I thought "Why would you ever want to do that? If you want to see line numbers, use your editor." That way of thinking looks at the tools one at a time, asking what each can do, rather than thinking about how they might work together.
Today, for the first time ever, I wanted to number lines from the command line. I had a delimited text file and wanted to see a numbered list of the column headings. I've written before about how you can extract columns using cut, but you have to know the number of a column to select it. So it would be nice to see a numbered list of column headings.
The data I'm working on is proprietary, so I downloaded a PUMS (Public Use Microdata Sample) file named ss04hak.csv from the US Census to illustrate instead. The first line of this file is
I want to grab the first line of this file, replace commas with newlines, and number the results. That's what the following one-liner does.
head -n 1 ss04hak.csv | sed "s/,/\n/g" | nl
The output looks like this:
Now if I wanted to look at a particular field, I could see the column number without putting my finger on my screen and counting. Then I could use that column number as an argument to cut -f.