Comic for Monday, November 4th, 2019
EDIT: Post is now working, and should be posted. No idea what happened, but it was scheduled to go up last night, I realized just now it wasn't showing, so I'm reposting this. Apologies for the inconvenience. Hectic week for work this week, and used buttons wrong.
"and so soon after resuming Thursday comics, we will have to suspend that program for a bit Buffer is still fine, but this week looks like trouble and travel is rapidly approaching. Don't want to over commit and end up missing comics at the end of the month when I'm travelling. Maybe we will have two comics a week again later this month instead.
Speaking Tyler, I do think we might see more of Tyler's story at the end of this month as well. I've said that before, but in general when I'm travelling I have more time for writ
If you missed the Halloween bonus, you can see it here: