Juan González: My 92-Year-Old Mother's COVID-19 Experience Shows Me How Rotten Our Health System Is
As the United States leads the world in both reported COVID-19 cases and death toll, hospitals at other coronavirus hot spots around the country are reporting dire conditions as they deal with a surge in critically sick patients. "We have to ask ourselves why, in a country that spends so much money on healthcare, are we still having problems producing the most basic equipment, [such as masks, gowns and tests]," says Democracy Now! co-host, Juan Gonzilez, who describes how he struggled to get his own 92-year-old mother tested when he took her to the emergency room in New Jersey. "It is just an outrage that this discontinues to bedevil a country as wealthy as ours. And I really believe it's part of this whole situation of this neoliberal view of how to run the market."