Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (chromium, dovecot, openconnect, and powerdns-recursor), Debian (cracklib2, feh, netqmail, ruby-rack, tomcat7, and transmission), Fedora (dovecot, kernel, log4net, openconnect, python-markdown2, and unbound), Mageia (ansible, clamav, dovecot, file-roller, glpi, kernel, kernel-linus, libntlm, microcode, nmap, pdns-recursor, unbound, viewvc, and wireshark), openSUSE (ant, autoyast2, dpdk, file, freetype2, gstreamer-plugins-base, imapfilter, libbsd, libvpx, libxml2, nextcloud, openconnect, openexr, opera, pdns-recursor, python, python-rpyc, and tomcat), and SUSE (salt, tomcat6, and zstd).