Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (intel-microcode, libexif, mysql-connector-java, and thunderbird), Fedora (gnutls, grafana, kernel, kernel-headers, mingw-gnutls, mod_auth_openidc, NetworkManager, and pdns-recursor), Gentoo (adobe-flash, ansible, chromium, firefox, glibc, mailutils, nokogiri, readline, ssvnc, and webkit-gtk), Mageia (axel, bind, dbus, flash-player-plugin, libreoffice, networkmanager, and roundcubemail), openSUSE (java-1_8_0-openjdk, kernel, nodejs8, rubygem-bundler, texlive-filesystem, and thunderbird), Oracle (libexif and tomcat6), Red Hat (chromium-browser, flash-plugin, and libexif), Scientific Linux (tomcat6), SUSE (libEMF), and Ubuntu (fwupd).