Off to the printer
Big Dumb Objects has been sent to the printer.
And it's about time. Big Dumb time, even.

The cover inset art was done a year ago, and the principal art and story was done five years ago. It was the bonus story which hung us up, and a lot of things went wrong during 2019 and 2020 (including the flooding of my office, and several productivity-impacting health problems), but we finally got that last piece finished a week and a half ago.
From there all I needed to do was assemble the cover, with all the circuits and stuff, write the back cover copy, and clean up some of the interior marginalia. I did all that last week, between December 28th and 30th, and then Sandra assembled the final files for the printer and sent it away.
It feels nice to be finished with that.
Sandra has promised me that on Monday she will unearth the sketches I've forgotten about drawing, the ones which outline the covers for books 17 through 20, and I guess it was nice having a two day vacation.