Mageia 8 has been released
The Mageia distribution has announcedthe release of Mageia 8. It comes with the usual array of newpackages, including a 5.10.16 kernel, Plasma 5.20.4,GNOME 3.38, Firefox 78, Chromium 88, LibreOffice, and more."ARM support has continued to develop, with both AArch64 and ARMv7now having all packages built and being close to primary architecturesnow. Support for Wi-Fi installation in the classical installer using WPA2encryption has been added, as well as improved support for newerfilesystems allowing installations on F2FS. Support for NILFS, XFS, exFATand Windows 10 NTFS has been improved to allow for better partitionmanagement. The Live installer has also had significant development. Boottimes have been greatly reduced with the use of Zstd compression andimproved hardware detection and the support for installing updates as afinal step of the installation has been added. Zstd compression has alsobeen applied to the rescue mode, allowing for faster startup, support forencrypted LVM/LUKS has also been added."