Article 5VDG3 How to not let Telegram contacts save or forward messages

How to not let Telegram contacts save or forward messages

Prakhar Khanna
from Latest from Android Central on (#5VDG3)


Disable your contacts from sharing memes in other groups.

Telegram is way ahead of its major competitor, WhatsApp, regarding features. The app already offers a slew of features that aren't available on the Facebook-owned messaging service. It is only extending its lead by introducing new ones with each update.

Telegram recently rolled out an update that allows users to restrict their contacts from forwarding messages and media to other groups. The feature, Restrict Saving Content, was released last month with Telegram 8.3 update. Here's how you can enable content protection in your group or channel.

How to restrict Telegram contacts from saving or forwarding messages

Don't let your contact use your wit and share your original memes in other Telegram groups or channels. You can restrict group/channel members from saving or forwarding content on Telegram. Here's how:

  1. Open Telegram.
  2. Tap on the group/channel you want to apply the content sharing restriction on.
  3. Tap on the group name at the top.
  4. You'll see a Pencil icon at the top-right corner. Tap on it.


  5. Tap on Group Type.
  6. By default, the group type is set as a Private Group. If it isn't, tap on the 'Private Group' option.
  7. You will see a Saving content menu at the bottom of the page. The Restrict saving content option is disabled by default.


  8. Tap on Restrict saving content toggle to enable it.
  9. Tap on the tick displayed at the top-right corner to save your setting.
  10. You'll be taken back to the group name page.


You will now be able to limit the reach of your group members, so they won't be able to save or forward it to their other groups or channels. That is unless they take a screenshot.

And you're done!

In 2021, Facebook's stance with WhatsApp led people to look for the messaging app's alternatives, which boosted Telegram. It doesn't matter if a person is using the latest iPhone or an Android smartphone; people are moving from WhatsApp to Telegram.

The London-based company seems to be trying to continue the momentum with new privacy-focused feature rollouts. If you are looking to switch, you can also move WhatsApp chats to Telegram.

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