Recent developments in OpenBSD, 2022-02-21 summary
by from OpenBSD Journal on (#5WBN7)
Recent things of interest include:
- The login class capability databasenow supports /etc/login.conf.d/${class},and this is used by the ports system.
- Thanks tosomecommitsfrom Greg Steuck (gnezdo@),base now includes (optional) support for minimal runtime detection ofundefined behaviour.As described inclang-local(1),this requires use ofclang(1)'s-fsanitize-minimal-runtimeflag.
- Joshua Stein (jcs@)has written (yet) another interesting blog entry:Debugging an ioctl Problem on OpenBSD
- Tom Szilagyi has written The complete idiot's guide to OpenBSD on the Pinebook Pro.Whilst this is unofficial, it may well be of assistance to those undertaking that task.