Article 688WQ Facebook is allowing Trump back. The platform hasn’t learned its lesson | Jan-Werner Müller

Facebook is allowing Trump back. The platform hasn’t learned its lesson | Jan-Werner Müller

Jan-Werner Müller
from Technology | The Guardian on (#688WQ)

Trump has never shown the slightest repentance for his role in what Facebook gingerly calls civil unrest'

It was left to Nick Clegg - once a great hope for liberal politics in Britain, nowadays cutting a sad figure as global lobbyist for a company with major PR problems - to announce that Facebook was open to Donald Trump's nefarious business again. The decision was wrong, but it hardly spells the end of democracy, as alarmists equating Facebook with an inevitable triumph for fascism might think. What the decision does, though, is confirm the breathtaking hypocrisy of a corporation seemingly unable - or unwilling - to learn from its complicity in repeated political disasters.

Hillary Clinton never stopped being pilloried for her basket of deplorables" speech in 2016. However, the fact is that Trump and plenty of his supporters have said and done things which are deplorable. The really scandalous part was her casual remark that some Americans were irredeemable". But democracy is based on the notion that no one is irredeemable, that we should never give up on fellow citizens, hard as it may be. Those who have engaged in anti-democratic actions must have the chance to convince others that they have changed their ways.

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