Article 6B8Z7 Quick fixes: use Google Chrome to link text inside any webpage

Quick fixes: use Google Chrome to link text inside any webpage

Barbara Krasnoff
from The Verge on (#6B8Z7)
Chrome_HT044_How_To_01.0.jpg Illustration by Samar Haddad / The Verge The Issue

It's probably happened to all of us: you want to link to a really interesting factoid in a really long article - but you can't be sure that the people reading your social network or blog entry will be able to find the factoid in all that text. You could simply take a screenshot of the factoid, but then you're not linking to the original article, which is both bad internet etiquette and not as effective in showing your source material. Or you can take the screenshot and throw in the link, which is better but awkward. Or...

Quick Fix

Use the Chrome browser's Copy Link to Highlight feature.

Right click on a highlighted section to see the Copy Link to Highlight option. The full story

When you're a writer or...

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