Article 6CPN5 ‘We have to flip the AI debate towards hope’: Labour’s techno-optimist, Darren Jones

‘We have to flip the AI debate towards hope’: Labour’s techno-optimist, Darren Jones

Heather Stewart
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6CPN5)

The chair of the Commons business select committee is a firm believer that technology is a force for good and should be central to his party's plans to transform the UK

It's an upgrade. In the same way as you upgrade your iPhone, we need to upgrade Britain." Labour MP Darren Jones believes artificial intelligence will bring an economic change on the scale of the industrial revolution, which politicians must be ready to shape.

As chair of the business and trade select committee, the ambitious 36-year-old backbencher, who represents Bristol North West, has built a reputation for himself in Westminster as a tough interrogator.

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