Article 6CPRH TechScape: Self-driving cars are here and they’re watching you

TechScape: Self-driving cars are here and they’re watching you

Johana Bhuiyan
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6CPRH)

Driverless cars have their cameras trained on the road - and on those inside, making some wonder how that data will be used. Plus, Twitter's viewing limits

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If you've spent any time in San Francisco, you might believe we're on the cusp of the self-driving future promised by car makers and the tech industry: a high-tech utopia where roving robot cars pick up and drop off passengers seamlessly and more safely than if they had a human behind the wheel.

While the city certainly has one key element down - a small network of driverless cars - the reality is far different and much more awkward and invasive than what the people building the technology once portrayed.

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