Article 6CTM5 ‘It’s simple and cheap’: the volunteers making Ukraine’s Trembita bomb

‘It’s simple and cheap’: the volunteers making Ukraine’s Trembita bomb

Luke Harding in Kyiv
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6CTM5)

Known as the people's missile', the bomb costs about 2,300 to build and can be transported in a car boot

At an industrial estate near Kyiv, a group of engineers stand next to a tube. The metal device is part of a homemade rocket. After twiddling with an ignition cable, the engine sparks into flame. There is a terrifying, ear-splitting roar. Two dogs that guard the compound slink away and hide; swallows fly off. The centre of the pipe glows red. After a minute, the awful din stops.

Welcome to the Trembita, also known as the people's missile". The prototype is Ukraine's 21st-century answer to the V-1 flying bomb, or doodlebug, the long-range missile used by Nazi Germany during the second world war against targets in south-east England.

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