Article 6D3M0 Jillian Nguyen: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Jillian Nguyen: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Jillian Nguyen
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6D3M0)

The Barons and Hungry Ghosts actor shares what makes her laugh online, including Jennifer Coolidge, a cute baby and multiple ethnic dads'

When I think of the internet, I think of nostalgia and escapism. The first things that come to mind: the Y2K bug that never was, the scary robot in 2001: A Space Odyssey, the birth and death of Myspace, Tom from Myspace's cheesy smile, Trent Reznor's sexy Social Network soundtrack, getting poked on Facebook, Andy Warhol's concept of how everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes, etc, etc.

Nevertheless, my list here should remind us all that no matter how dark the internet can be, it can also be a place that can make you laugh - so, so much.

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