makepkg (pkgutils) and chown
by lucabon from on (#6D9TJ)
From coreutils-9.1, chown emits a warning if the userspecs contain a dot instead of a colon:
Code:chown: warning: '.' should be ':': 'root.root'Maybe it will be better to change "root.root" into "root:root" in /sbin/makepkg (lines 377 and 387, as already done in "usage()", line 89), so avoid annoying warnings when creating a package.
Code:chown: warning: '.' should be ':': 'root.root'Maybe it will be better to change "root.root" into "root:root" in /sbin/makepkg (lines 377 and 387, as already done in "usage()", line 89), so avoid annoying warnings when creating a package.