Article 6DFSQ The Gutenberg Parenthesis by Jeff Jarvis review – why print culture is key to the future

The Gutenberg Parenthesis by Jeff Jarvis review – why print culture is key to the future

Houman Barekat
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6DFSQ)

From the Gutenberg press to the word processor, a detailed trawl through the history of print offers lessons for the digital age

The Gutenberg Parenthesis is a term coined by Danish scholar Lars Ole Sauerberg, who proposed that the history of literary culture as we had hitherto known it - the 500-plus years from the invention of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press in the mid-15th century until around the turn of the millennium - would come to be regarded as a mere blip. Digital technology would transform our cultural institutions by undermining their core foundation: the intellectual property and moral authority bound up in individual authorship. The future of knowledge production would be collective and collaborative - entailing, in essence, a return to the oral tradition of the world before print.

In The Gutenberg Parenthesis, US journalist Jeff Jarvis considers this thesis and its possible implications. He is anxious that we should retain what was good and useful about analog-era gatekeeping structures, which played an important role in recommending quality, certifying fact, supporting creativity. What must we create to replace these functions?"

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