Help fix window decorator theme on 15.0
by Daedra from on (#6DHPY)
I have been using a modified version of mint-x theme for years, but with the latest firefox release the mint-x metacity window decorator theme was no longer rendering correctly. I upgraded the mint-x theme to the latest version and have been been modifying it to my liking the last couple of days. I have noticed that the metacity theme doesn't look correct in 15.0 but looks correct in current. I tested this on bare metal and a VM. I am assuming its probably a updated package in current, but I don't know what package or packages would affect this. I have attached a picture showing the issue with the theme on 15.0. The most noticeable element is the maximize button, the cross is way off. If anyone has an ideas on what packages could be the culprit here, please let me know.
Attached Thumbnails
Attached Thumbnails