Article 6DTK2 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 review: the most powerful folding phone-tablet

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 review: the most powerful folding phone-tablet

Samuel Gibbs Consumer technology editor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6DTK2)

Lighter, slicker, gapless folder has great multitasking software and rapid chip - but extremely high price

Samsung's latest folding phone-tablet sets new standards for the most hi-tech of gadgets - and with it comes a very high price tag.

The Galaxy Z Fold 5 is an important update for Samsung in the face of stiff new competition from the Google Pixel line. The new folder costs 1,749 ($1,799.99/A$2,599), making it 100 more than last year's excellent Fold 4 and the same eye-wateringly expensive price as Google's Fold.

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