Article 6E9K2 Twitter allows US political candidates and parties to advertise in policy switch

Twitter allows US political candidates and parties to advertise in policy switch

Kari Paul and agencies
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6E9K2)

Announcement by the Elon Musk-owned social media platform has experts concerned over misinformation ahead of 2024 election

The social media company formerly known as Twitter said on Tuesday it would now allow political advertising in the US from candidates and political parties, reversing previous policies and raising concerns over misinformation and hate speech ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Before the billionaire Elon Musk acquired the company, now called X, in October 2022, Twitter had banned all political ads globally since 2019. In January, the platform lifted the ban and began allowing cause-based ads" in the US that raise awareness of issues such as voter registration, stating that it planned to expand the types of political ads it would allow on the platform.

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