Article 6EE9M ‘A big shock’: the Israeli startup helping ultra-Orthodox Jews enter world of hi-tech work

‘A big shock’: the Israeli startup helping ultra-Orthodox Jews enter world of hi-tech work

Bethan McKernan and Quique Kierszenbaum in Bnei Br
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6EE9M)

Entrepreneurs want Haredi men, many of whom live in poverty, to have access to the opportunities of Tel Aviv

Entering Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood just a few kilometres away from the gleaming towers that testify to Tel Aviv's prowess as a global hi-tech hub, feels like stepping into a different world.

Despite the startups and advanced technology initiatives on their doorstep, much of Israel's ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, population still shuns modern inventions such as television and smartphones, which are viewed as a threat to their way of life.

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