‘In the depths of the city labyrinth, here he was’: Tamás Andok’s best phone picture
The photographer had given up on his quest to capture a poetic moment of city life when he came across a solitary figure
Budapest has three train stations that, between them, can take you to Vienna, Warsaw, Zurich, Berlin and Bucharest (to name but a few). Nyugati Palyaudvar is Hungary's busiest station, with its peaked glass facade bookended by ornate domed buildings. Inside, cafes and commuters jostle for space, but nearby lies a closed-up line, almost derelict.
Tamas Andok had been searching on foot with his camera for an entire day for peculiar, intimate, poetic moments of city life", and was on his way home. In fact, he'd put his camera away when he came across this man. It was an early October evening, and Andok remembers it being rather chilly.
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