Article 6F9PT School surveillance tech does more harm than good, ACLU report finds

School surveillance tech does more harm than good, ACLU report finds

Sierra Cistone
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6F9PT)

US student safety not improved by surveillance technology such as cameras and facial recognition software, research shows

An ACLU report has found that despite claims from companies, surveillance technology in US schools does not improve student safety and constant surveillance can, in fact, cause a number of harms to students including making students less likely to report dangerous behavior.

Schools typically use technologies such as cameras, facial recognition software and communication monitoring and filtering technology, which have been marketed by education technology surveillance companies as intervention tools against school shootings, suicides and bullying. In 2021, US schools and colleges spent $3.1bn on these products and this number is expected to grow by 8% every year, according to the report.

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