Article 6FDKW iPhone 15 Pro Max review: Apple’s superphone weighs less and zooms further

iPhone 15 Pro Max review: Apple’s superphone weighs less and zooms further

Samuel Gibbs Consumer technology editor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6FDKW)

Titanium sides, USB-C, 5x camera and new action button make for the biggest iPhone upgrade in years

Apple's latest, most expensive superphone is a big step forward for the iPhone. But despite a powerful new camera and USB-C port, the best feature is simply its lighter weight.

That is because Apple's 6.7in iPhones have always been beasts in price and weight. But while this new iPhone 15 Pro Max is still wallet-crushingly expensive, starting at 1,199 (1,449/$1,199/A$2,199), it is at least 19g lighter, making a huge difference in your hand and pockets.

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