Article 6FPHX Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 review: faster chips and brighter screens

Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 review: faster chips and brighter screens

Samuel Gibbs Consumer technology editor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6FPHX)

Spec bumps keep Apple top of smartwatch pack, with faster Siri and new hands-free gesture

Apple's smartwatches get their first speed increase in years along with brighter screens and new hands-free gestures - keeping the market leader still miles ahead of the pack.

The Apple Watch Series 9 comes in various sizes and materials and starts at 399 (449/$399/A$649) - a 20 price cut in the UK. It launches alongside the Ultra 2 costing 799 (899/$799/A$1,399), which is 50 cheaper than last year's model.

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