Article 6FR83 Robot dogs, tech bros and virtual Geisha girls: when SXSW came to Sydney

Robot dogs, tech bros and virtual Geisha girls: when SXSW came to Sydney

Josh Taylor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6FR83)

The famous Austin festival picked the Harbour City for its first foray overseas, bringing an eclectic mix of AI, celebrities and cutting edge ideas

A simultaneously familiar and slightly terrifying robot dog wanders through the audience of a session at the Sydney edition of South by South West. On stage, the panellists opine about a future increasingly defined by artificial intelligence and automation.

It's going to get much, much more significant," says Ed Santow, the former human rights commissioner and current director of policy and governance at the UTS Human Technology Institute. And for many people that will be a good thing, [but] for a lot of people it'll be really, really hard."

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