Article 6FVM9 Alistair Fawcus: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Alistair Fawcus: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Alistair Fawcus
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6FVM9)

The TikTok creator shares what's rotting his brain lately. It's mostly chaos and early memes

Being an internet boomer" (I'm 26), I have witnessed memes evolve from poorly drawn stick figures to relatable and distorted photos anchored together by Hanna-Barbera-style sound effects. Having unfiltered access to the internet as a child both warped and enhanced my content-creating ability with a blend of early 2000s humour and new age chaos.

I started making TikToks in the platform's golden age - lockdown - and now I have more than 500,000 followers (wtf). Being on TikTok has unveiled a mysterious world of humour I was totally unaware of. Welcome to my tour of the internet!

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