Article 6FX3P Biden Administration To Introduce Stricter AI RegulationsFor Federal Employees

Biden Administration To Introduce Stricter AI RegulationsFor Federal Employees

Krishi Chowdhary
from The Tech Report on (#6FX3P)


In response to growing concerns, President Biden is introducing stringent rules on generative artificial intelligence (genAI). This change targets federal employees' handling of the technology.

A corresponding event, titled Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence," will soon unveil these protocols.

Previously, the government's actions were seen as inadequate, pushing for this decisive shift.

Last May, the administration made its initial foray into managing genAI risks. This effort involved meetings between Vice President Kamala Harris and major tech figures, underscoring the technology's gravity.

Despite the early blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights" and an AI Risk Management Framework, experts felt more was necessary, prompting the current action.

The impending executive order will mandate a thorough analysis of large language models (LLMs) crucial to genAI. Such evaluations are obligatory before any government sector, including defense and intelligence, adopts the technology.

Previously, the commitment to scrutinize genAI systems was voluntary among AI firms. Yet, industry leaders like Tom Siebel, CEO of C3 AI, question the effectiveness of self-regulation, citing historical missteps.

Risks and Challenges of GenAI

The excitement around genAI comes with serious caveats. Jonathan Siddharth, CEO of Turing, highlighted hallucinations" as a significant flaw.

Striking a balance between regulation and innovation is crucial. Over-regulation risks hindering progress and ceding ground on the international stage.

These misrepresentations stem from the AI's lack of real-world understanding, relying instead on word prediction. Furthermore, genAI poses data privacy threats, with its extensive reach into personal and sensitive information, leading to potential exploitation.

Everyday technologies, like smartphones and autonomous vehicles, inadvertently contribute to these large data sets. They gather intimate details about individuals intended for service improvements but potentially misused in AI training.

Adnan Masood of UST believes the executive order could transform companies' operational methods, possibly increasing initial expenses.

However, he also suggests that compliance with national standards could streamline federal procurement processes and enhance consumer trust.

Global AI Regulation Trends

The U.S. is not alone in attempting to corral AI's potential dangers. European nations have also enacted measures against content contravening EU laws, reflecting broader anxieties. For instance, Italy had halted ChatGPT development due to substantial privacy breaches.

Ensuring AI products meet ethical and safety standards, particularly in critical sectors like healthcare or transportation, demands rigorous oversight.

Additionally, the European Union pioneered the comprehensive AI Act," integrating existing digital and data protection laws. At a more local level, states and cities in the U.S. are considering their own restrictions on AI, especially in recruitment, due to inherent biases and privacy infringements.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology will likely play a significant role in tightening industry norms on AI testing and evaluation. This move will enhance the previous safety and security pledges obtained by the Biden administration from tech giants.

As genAI technology rapidly evolves, it presents both unprecedented opportunities and threats. Masood asserts the government must act as a regulator, facilitator, and consumer, recognizing AI's dual nature.

In conclusion, while the U.S. government's tighter control of genAI is a welcome step in managing its complexities, the approach must carefully avoid stifling innovation.

The focus remains on creating a safe technological landscape without curtailing the creative advancements driving the AI industry.

The post Biden Administration To Introduce Stricter AI RegulationsFor Federal Employees appeared first on The Tech Report.

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