Article 6G7Z7 Apple iPhone 15 review: a few more pro features each year

Apple iPhone 15 review: a few more pro features each year

Samuel Gibbs Consumer technology editor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6G7Z7)

USB-C, a faster chip, improved 48MP camera and dynamic island reach Apple's regular smartphone line

The iPhone 15 continues Apple's slow trickling down of features previously reserved for its top Pro-line phones to other models. But even with the new dynamic island, improved camera, a faster chip and USB-C, the standard iPhone can't escape seeming just a little bit boring.

The regular iPhone for 2023 gets a 50 price cut in the UK costing 799 (949/$799/A$1,499), although other regions aren't so lucky. That makes it about 200 cheaper than the similarly sized iPhone 15 Pro, with a plus-sized version also available for about 100 more.

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