Article 6G827 Best podcasts of the week: Tales of transition, queer joy and more to mark Transgender Awareness Week

Best podcasts of the week: Tales of transition, queer joy and more to mark Transgender Awareness Week

Alexi Duggins, Hollie Richardson, Hannah Verdier a
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6G827)

In this week's newsletter: Figures from Charlie Craggs to Mika Onyx celebrate the full spectrum of the trans experience in a new Anthem Talks series. Plus: five of the best podcasts about recent history

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Anthems Talks: Transgender Awareness Week
Widely available, new episodes daily from Monday
The excellent manifesto-setting series switches to one-on-one intimate discussions for its collection of five episodes celebrating Transgender Awareness Week. Sex Education's Felix Mufti and West End actor Mika Onyx talk trans stories on screen and stage (I do not want to tell another trans sob story," says Mufti), while activists Charlie Craggs and Kenny Ethan Jones chat about surgery and queer joy spaces such as Pussy Palace. Hollie Richardson

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