Article 6G9ZY How Chinese firm linked to repression of Uyghurs aids Israeli surveillance in West Bank

How Chinese firm linked to repression of Uyghurs aids Israeli surveillance in West Bank

Johana Bhuiyan
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6G9ZY)

Cameras made by Hikvision, which is blacklisted in US, blanket the occupied West Bank, according to Amnesty International

In the occupied Palestinian territories, there are cameras everywhere. In Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem, residents say cameras were installed by Israeli police up and down their streets, peering into their homes. One resident named Sara said she and her family could be detected as if the cameras were just in our house ... we couldn't feel at home in our own house and had to be fully dressed all the time."

Surveillance cameras now cover the Damascus Gate, the main entrance into the old city of Jerusalem and one of the only public areas for Palestinians to gather socially and hold demonstrations. It's at that gate that Palestinians are being watched and assessed at all times", according to an Amnesty International report, Automated Apartheid. These cameras have created a chilling effect on not just the ability to protest but also on the daily lives of Palestinians who live under occupation, according to Amnesty investigators. The organization had previously concluded that Israel has established a system of apartheid against Palestinians.

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