Article 6GD53 Pushing Buttons: How Grand Theft Auto 6 has been a decade in the making (so far)

Pushing Buttons: How Grand Theft Auto 6 has been a decade in the making (so far)

Keza MacDonald
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6GD53)

In this week's newsletter: It has been a decade since Rockstar's last instalment of its close-to-the-bone satire of the US underworld. But will it have the same resonance in a post-truth world?

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Last week, Rockstar revealed in a blogpost that the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 would debut in early December. This sent everyone into paroxysms, particularly publisher Take-Two's shareholders, who enjoyed a nice little bump in their theoretical wealth. Meanwhile, delirious fans are attempting to use the moon to predict the game's release date.

Let's remember that Rockstar hasn't actually revealed a game: it just announced the reveal of a game. But that game is Grand Theft Auto, so that was enough to make it the biggest news of the month.

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