Article 6GFB7 OpenAI fires co-founder and CEO Sam Altman for allegedly lying to company board

OpenAI fires co-founder and CEO Sam Altman for allegedly lying to company board

Blake Montgomery and Dani Anguiano
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6GFB7)

AI firm's board said Altman was not consistently candid in his communications with the board' and had lost its confidence

Sam Altman, the chief executive and co-founder of OpenAI, has been ousted from his own company after its board accused him of being not consistently candid in his communications".

Altman's dismissal is a major shakeup in Silicon Valley. Following the launch of ChatGPT, the wildly popular chatbot developed by OpenAI, Altman became one of the world's most visible tech executives and a sought-after expert on artificial intelligence.

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