Article 6GZEB Buy a signed copy of my book and some cool stickers from our brand new shop

Buy a signed copy of my book and some cool stickers from our brand new shop

Tom Fucoloro
from on (#6GZEB)
Screenshot-2023-12-06-at-11.50.56%E2%80%Visit the shop.

For the first time ever, Seattle Bike Blog has a merch shop!

This all started when I decided I should figure out a way to sell copies of my book Biking Uphill in the Rain directly, and then that project spiraled out of control and turned into the Seattle Bike Blog Shop. Once I realized I was going to create a whole shop, I also finally created a sticker I have been tossing around in my head for a long time:


I have resisted opening a merch shop for a few reasons, but I finally invested in setting up a proper shipping center so that I can efficiently process orders and get them in the mail without running around looking for boxes or standing in long lines at the post office. Selection is currently limited on purpose. I want the shop to have items that are unique, but I also want to prioritize supporting our work. I don't want you all to spend your money on Seattle Bike Blog merch where most of the money goes to some third party company because I know most of you are buying it at least in part as a way to support this site. I also don't want boxes of t-shirts all over my house. So while I do have plans for some more fun things to add as we go forward, the shop will grow slowly.

On that note, I would love to hear your ideas for merch in the comments below. Or you can email me at I am also very interested in speaking with any local makers or businesses who want to collaborate. Also, please let me know if you run into any issues.

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