Article 6H60A The Elegant Biology of the Giant Manta Ray

The Elegant Biology of the Giant Manta Ray

Lori Dorn
from Laughing Squid on (#6H60A)

Stephanie SammannofReal Scienceexamined the elegant biology of the giant manta ray, a surprisingly gentle and highly intelligent cartilaginous fish. Samamann explained how the ray's massive wingspan allows them to propel through deep and shallow waters, how their classification changed, their highly gregarious nature, and most of all, the mystery behind this beautiful sea creature.

The Giant Oceanic Manta Ray is the largest species of ray in the world, with wingspans that can reach over 8 meters. ...But more than just beinghuge, they're also gregarious and often as curious about human swimmers as the swimmers are of them. And this is because the giant oceanic manta ray is incredibly intelligent. ...And it turns out, giant oceanic mantas are much more mysterious than scientists even realized.

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