Article 6H6HX South-east Asia’s quirky, sweary shopping stars cashing in on livestream selling

South-east Asia’s quirky, sweary shopping stars cashing in on livestream selling

Rebecca Ratcliffe and Guill Ramos
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6H6HX)

Presenters walk the aisles of supermarkets and small shops offering what they can find

There are times when other customers browsing the malls in Gifu city, Japan, seem to wonder why Kenneth Gongon Watanabe is buying so many items, and why he is talking so energetically on his phone.

But the goods in his trolleys - which can range from hoards of shoes and anime socks, to stacks of Japanese sweets and matcha latte powders - are not for him. They're actually being bought by dozens of customers in Watanabe's home country, the Philippines, who follow live on Facebook as he browses the shops.

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