Article 6HBVY A world suffused with AI probably wouldn’t be good for us – or the planet | John Naughton

A world suffused with AI probably wouldn’t be good for us – or the planet | John Naughton

John Naughton
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6HBVY)

Amid all the hysteria about ChatGPT and co, one thing is being missed: how energy-intensive the technology is

What to do when surrounded by people who are losing their minds about the Newest New Thing? Answer: reach for the Gartner Hype Cycle, an ingenious diagram that maps the progress of an emerging technology through five phases: the technology trigger", which is followed by a rapid rise to the peak of inflated expectations"; this is succeeded by a rapid decline into the trough of disillusionment", after which begins a gentle climb up the slope of enlightenment" - before eventually (often years or decades later) reaching the plateau of productivity".

Given the current hysteria about AI, I thought I'd check to see where it is on the chart. It shows that generative AI (the polite term for ChatGPT and co) has just reached the peak of inflated expectations. That squares with the fevered predictions of the tech industry (not to mention governments) that AI will be transformative and will soon be ubiquitous. This hype has given rise to much anguished fretting about its impact on employment, misinformation, politics etc, and also to a deal of anxious extrapolations about an existential risk to humanity.

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