Article 6J0BN ‘The bridge really comes alive at night’: John Emslie’s best phone picture

‘The bridge really comes alive at night’: John Emslie’s best phone picture

Grace Holliday
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6J0BN)

An iconic Rotterdam location, a passing motorcyclist, and all he had to do was keep his hand steady

John Emslie and his wife, Liz, were on a city break to Rotterdam when he took this photo. We were on the Erasmusbrug, nicknamed the Swan, which links the northern and southern halves of the city," he says. The long, white pylon and its distant glow, and the angled cable stays picked out by the projector lights, drew me in; I wanted to capture all of that light, form, scale and perspective. All I had to do was wait for the final element: the passing motorcyclist and his headlight."

Emslie describes himself as an enthusiastic amateur" and used his Google Pixel 7 to capture the scene. I'm not sure my main camera could have produced such quality under such challenging shooting conditions. In low light, getting amanual camera set up is tricky and the moment is often lost by the time I'm ready," he says. The smartphone's brain', on the other hand, is so fast and clever that shots like this are made possible. Ican't claim any credit other than for keeping my phone steady!"

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