Article 6J2QD World’s Loudest Female Burper Turns Her Unique Talent Into a Positive Message

World’s Loudest Female Burper Turns Her Unique Talent Into a Positive Message

Lori Dorn
from Laughing Squid on (#6J2QD)
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Kimberly Winters, the Guinness World Record holder for loudest burp (female), explained to 60 Second Docs how she parlayed her unusual talent into a positive message for others, particularly on social media.

A lot of people are disgusted....I started recording my burps on TikTok, and it really took off. A lot of my fans like me to burp their names. My audience grew really fast. So just be yourself, because you never know how many people out there are going to enjoy you for just being you.

Here's Winters' 107.3 decibel record-setting burp.

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