Article 6J7W8 Middle East crisis live: Israel denies its forces are storming al-Amal hospital in Gaza; US could respond with ‘multiple actions’ to Jordan attack

Middle East crisis live: Israel denies its forces are storming al-Amal hospital in Gaza; US could respond with ‘multiple actions’ to Jordan attack

LĂ©onie Chao-Fong (now); Martin Belam, Tom Bryant
from World news | The Guardian on (#6J7W8)

Denial comes after Palestinian Red Crescent Society says hospital in Khan Younis is under attack; White House declines to give further details of response

The Wafa Palestinian news agency reports that dozens of Palestinian civilians" have been killed today by Israeli airstrikes, including intense and fierce airstrikes at the city of Rafah", which is in the south of the Gaza Strip and is one of the areas Israel's military has repeatedly told Palestinians to flee to for safety.

Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Rafah for Al Jazeera, said the strike in Rafah caused a great deal of panic and concern as people believe the military operation is expanding step by step". He said a house was destroyed and a number of people were reported dead, as the Israeli military continues bombing, killing and maiming Palestinians across Gaza".

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