Article 6JPKV Seattle Times writes about moving by bike featuring Seattle Bike Blog

Seattle Times writes about moving by bike featuring Seattle Bike Blog

Tom Fucoloro
from on (#6JPKV)
20170910_120917-750x422.jpgPhoto by Brock Howell.

If you can make it happen, moving by bike is the best way to move. We did it back in 2017 when we moved from the Central District to the U District/Wallingford, and it turned a very tedious task into a fun day full of smiling bike riders and bewildered on-lookers. And the most surprising part of the whole thing was that it was much easier and faster than packing and unpacking a U-Haul or doing a bunch of runs with a car.

JiaYing Grygiel wrote a story this week for the Seattle Times' At Home section (will be in print Sunday) about eco-friendly moving, and it was a lot of fun to talk about our move by bike. It's such a good memory, and I've had people who helped tell me it was one of their favorite group rides.

And moving by bike isn't just for homes! One of my favorite Cascade Bicycle Club events ever was in 2014 when they invited folks to help them move their office stuff halfway across Magnuson Park all by bike. I remember a couple folks at Cascade thinking it would be little more than a photo op who were then surprised when everything was moved in just a couple hours. That experience helped give me the confidence that it would not only be possible to move houses by bike, but also fun.

So I'll repeat what I told Grygiel: If you want to try moving by bike, feel free to reach out to me at I am happy to answer any questions you have, post about it on our events calendar and help spread the word. And if I can make it, I'd love to join, though I will expect pizza and beer at the end.

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