Taylor Swift can teach us all a lesson in how democracy works | Margaret Sullivan
Democracy, by its nature, requires participation. You have to give a damn. Taylor Swift does, and so should we all
If you're any kind of a Taylor Swift fan, you've seen the footage of the pop star arguing with her father. The subject is politics. Or, more specifically, whether Taylor should express herself publicly on political issues and candidates, in this case in defense of women's reproductive rights.
Dad makes the case against it. In protective mode, he wants his daughter to stay in her lane: music. It's not good for her safety or her career or her mental health to go prancing through this minefield of controversy, alienating people and drawing abusers along the way. One of her managers agrees - does she really want to see only half as many people at her next show?
Margaret Sullivan is a Guardian US columnist writing on media, politics and culture
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