Article 6KWYS 80+ Blogging Statistics: Actionable 2024 Blog Planning Insights

80+ Blogging Statistics: Actionable 2024 Blog Planning Insights

Susan Laborde
from The Tech Report on (#6KWYS)

Blogging is not a passing vogue; it's a trend that has come to stay, and we have seen it grow remarkably over the years. Top firms have joined this trend, creating blogs to increase brand visibility and attract customers. Up to 70% of the top enterprises own blogs.

It goes beyond just a means for lead generation. People rely on it to make money either as a side hustle or a full-time profession.

That's why blogging will keep on thriving and evolving. Did you know top bloggers can make up to $1 million annually? This article will reveal blogs' income, costs, and readership growth since 2022. We'll also explore popular niches, tips, blogging challenges, and growth strategies, including key details for this year's blog planning. Let's proceed.


General Blogging Statistics and Facts
  1. Two popular platforms for creating blogs online are Tumblr, which has over half a billion blogs, and WordPress. WordPress powers 60 million blogs and 40% of all the websites online.
  2. About 70 million new posts (like articles or updates) are added to these platforms monthly.
  3. Blogging has never been a one-way communication; readers also join in by leaving comments. They comment a total of 77 million times each month.
  4. With more people creating and sharing online content, content marketing is expected to become a huge industry. Research shows that it may reach almost $600 billion by 2027.
  5. Meanwhile, understand that if the content isn't good and has issues, like glitches, 56% of readers quickly leave. They won't even think about giving it a chance. Therefore, businesses should invest in the quality of their content.
  6. When people want to buy something, 44% of them normally read three out of five pieces of information before deciding. This means that these people like to gather information about a product before making a decision.
  7. But when it comes to people who create this content, about 40% of them have a written plan. This strategy will help them create content that they'll use to promote products or services.
  8. However, Brazilian citizens between 25 and 34 still like blogging. That age group sees updating and maintaining their blogs as fun.
  9. Moving to Mexico, blog fans in this region crave articles related to new and video blogs. So basically, informative blogging reaches the largest Mexican audience.
How Well Blogs Are Doing in Search Engines


1. Almost 70 per cent of people who start browsing the web always use Google or other search engines. So, SEO should be your top priority if you want to get noticed.

2. Remember, ranking high will require serious work from you. Only 5 out of 100 pages reach the top 10 in one year.

3. Did you know that successful bloggers conduct thorough research? Surprisingly, half of bloggers use keywords, which is not a good approach. Here's the interesting fact: those who make big money, over $50,000 yearly, prioritize SEO. To succeed in this space, it's important to be strategic.

4. Blogging is not always easy or fast, though. 90% of pages miss Googles first page. But having more backlinks brings more visitors.

5. Research has shown that updating old content is very useful. More than 70% of bloggers regularly do that.

6. Notably, in 2019, search engines were the top way people found and visited blogs. This implies that SEO is the number one way to get traffic to your blog. It might interest you that almost 91 out of every 100 web pages don't receive any visitors from Google.

7. Exactly 0.78% of people who use the internet click on a link on the second page of Google searches. No wonder about 69% of bloggers invest hugely in SEO every year. Certainly, they want to appear on the first page of Google searches.

8. Bloggers who always update old content are two times more likely to see positive outcomes.

9. About 25 out of every 100 pages in search results don't have a meta description.

Blogging Statistics - Growth


10. In 2016, almost 2/3 of people who create content said they made money from their blogs. This means a lot of individuals are making enough money just from creating content and sharing it on their blogs.

11. Fast-forward to 2021, more than 1.8 billion websites are online. However, the bad part is that less than 200 million are active.

12. The year 2016 was a good year for websites generally. The available websites grew from 900 million to 1.7 billion. Importantly, out of these, around 600 million are blogs.

13. Every day, approximately 6,912,000 new blog posts are published worldwide. To break it down further, around 4,800 new blog posts are shared every minute. This shows that the world of blogging is indeed super active and dynamic.

14. In the United States alone, over 31 million active blogs post content each month.

15. Did you know that many people worldwide search for how to start a blog" about 120,000 times monthly?

16. For many people, blogging is a part-time job. However, over half of bloggers find it difficult to dedicate more time to growing their blogs.

17. Around 47% of these bloggers face challenges attracting people to their blogs. They even find it hard to sustain a steady flow of people to discover their blogs.

18. When bloggers don't have enough time, almost four out of 10 find it hard to create nice content. And 19% of bloggers believe thinking about interesting or relevant writing topics is challenging.

Problems or Difficulties Bloggers Faced


19. Interestingly, 15% of bloggers find it tough to get support from the organization they're working with/for.

20. Most people in the internet world, around 77%, say they often read blog posts. This means that most internet users enjoy reading blogs all the time. Another study shows that about 29% of individuals read blogs 1 to 4 times a month. Further, 18% read blogs every single day. But, 17% of internet users never read or engage with blog posts. Does this mean this set of people don't like blogs? We'll find out soon.

21. There's a survey that tells us how people read blogs. According to this survey, 35% of folks quickly look over blogs. These people don't go through the blogs for long; they're speedy readers. 38% are in-between; they do a bit of both: quick looking and reading carefully.

22. Over one out of 10 blog readers take their time. They read blogs carefully more than they quickly look. Yet, only six per cent are super-fast readers. These people find what they need fast and don't bother with the rest of the information. So, which of these categories do you fall into?

23. Another research says that about 83% of folks like to read blogs through their desktop computers. Also, when on the internet, people spend at least 20% of their time checking out different types of content. This includes vlogs, blogs, and tutorials.

24. Here's something interesting: 68% of internet users take time to read about brands and products they find interesting carefully.

25. Regarding content marketing, more than half of internet consumers read titles related to it at least once a month. That's a lot of people paying attention to what companies have to say.

How Many People Love Reading Blog


26. 2/3 of individuals prefer learning about products and brands through custom content. No wonder 90% of internet users believe custom content is very essential. This means they like it when companies create special information to tell them about the things they're interested in.

27. Still, 70 per cent of internet users like to know things about a brand through an article. They prefer this to ads.

28. Most people, about 60%, like reading stuff from their favourite brands. When brands make special content, 82% of readers feel more at ease with that brand.

29. Four years ago, almost half of the internet users often read blogs and watched vlogs. This is an increase of 12% since 2017. So, it seems more and more folks are enjoying the special content made by their favourite brands.

30. Research revealed that 13% of females prefer beauty and cosmetic blogs. These made learning about beauty and cosmetics their number one priority. But almost half of females don't like to read stuff concerning these types of blogs.

31. Do you know that sometimes people who read blogs wonder if bloggers can be trusted? In 2020, 43% of individuals thought bloggers might work with the government.

32. 64% of people love to read blogs through Chrome than other web browsers. Meanwhile, more than half of blog readers leave the page if there's no picture.

33. If a blog is messy and has no long paragraphs, weird pictures, or bad fonts, 90% of people will leave the site.

Blogging Tactics and Outcomes in Content Creation


34. The look of every blog is essential, too. A clean and simple design makes 3/5 of readers trust a blog.

35. Before buying something, 81% of consumers check online. So, it's clear that blogs play a big role in what people trust and how they decide to buy things.

36. In 2019, 2 in 10 bloggers spent two to three hours making one blog post. That's even fair compared to the 19% of bloggers who spent more than six hours in a blog post.

37. But in 2020, the time spent creating a blog post went up to almost four hours.

38. When bloggers spent more time (six-plus hours) on their posts in 2020, about one-third saw better outcomes.

39. In the past, around 2014, blog posts were shorter, about 808 words. Then, maybe bloggers won't spend that much time creating a post.

40. But fast forward to 2020, they got longer, almost reaching 1,269 words on average.

41. Bloggers who wrote long posts, we're talking about over 3,000 words, got 54% better results.

42. As blog posts got longer, the number of times bloggers published dropped. In 2014, bloggers were posting around six times a week. However, only 22% posted several times a month four years ago.

43. But there's a choice to make: if bloggers decide to write longer posts and publish less often, it can impact their success. People who publish something daily see 55% better results than those who only post a few times a month.

44. People pay an average of $77.80 for a guest post. Editors like this kind of blogging. About 76% of them find it super helpful to publish one guest post every week.

45. Almost every blog owner, around 94%, plans to keep up or do more guest posts.

How Bloggers and Vloggers Affect What People Buy or Like


46. Here's an interesting part: many blogs are getting creative. About 67% are thinking of adding video content from guest bloggers. And infographics are becoming hot, too. Over half of the blogs are for guest bloggers, making those eye-catching visuals.

47. Many people have been asking why bloggers love guest posts. They're a way to introduce new initiatives and make the blog more authoritative. But know that not every guest post is cut.

48. Around 79% of guest posts are rejected. That's because they're too much about selling stuff. Another 56 per cent of editors said they reject these posts because they're just not right for the audience.

49. Every December, blogs go on a guest-posting hunt. That's the month when they're looking for the most contributors. Apart from December, the next period for blog searches for guest posts is during the summer months. This includes June, July, and August.

50. About 7 in 10 editing wizards (editors) say they need time to publish guest posts, which slows down the publishing process.

51. Editors have their ways and tools for measuring success. A whopping 93% of them check page views, which helps them know how many people visited the site.

52. One-third of these editing masters judge a guest post by how much time a reader spends soaking it all in.

53. Bloggers and vloggers influence people's decisions on buying or liking. In 2020, about two-thirds of individuals checked YouTube for advice before they bought anything online.

54. And get this: 13% bought things because a vlogger or blogger made a video and recommended them.

55. For 17 per cent of internet users, what these influencers are saying is very important to them. It helps them make decisions before or when buying something.

Exploring the World of Blogging in Asia


56. In China, Sina Weibo's platform saw insane engagement in 2018 alone. It had over 130 million comments and was the most popular site in China, with 312 million active users in 2020. That's almost one in four people living in China.

57. Shifting to Southeast Asia, Indonesia's leading blog in 2019 was Dailysocial. This blog drives 2.1 million clicks in a single month. Its major content is within the tech and business niche.

58. In Malaysia, blogger Paul Tan is the biggest influencer in this region. The blogger ruled with nearly 6 million clicks every month on his automotive and lifestyle site.

59. The Smart Local is the most popular blog in Singapore. The blog attracts 1.6 million visitors every month.

60. Now, let's fly over to China-in 2019, there were more than 350 million microbloggers there, even more than the whole population of the United States. So clearly, microblogging is quite popular in Asia. It helps people quickly share ideas, news, and opinions within their country.

61. In 2017, 41% of people in Colombia read blogs or forums daily. That's nearly 1 in 2 people checking blog posts every single day.

62. In neighbouring Brazil, microblogging data shows a small difference between the number of guys and girls using it. In 2020, 9% of users were guys, while only 6% were women.

63. Also, in Brazil, guys are not that excited about blogging. In 2020, only 2 in 10 guys regularly updated their blogs, a bit less than the 22% who did the same in 2018. Maintaining blogs has become more work for them as time goes on.

Statistics About Blogging Platform


64. Did you know that from May 2011 to April 2020, had many blogs, around 496 million. This figure increases from the 496 million it had the year before.

65. By April 2019, blogs on Tumblr made more than 171.5 billion posts.

66. But here's the thing: Tumblr is a bit smaller in social media, with less than 1% of all US social media visits.

67. In 2020, almost half of the people using Tumblr on desktop were from the United States.

68. For the past eight years, WordPress has been growing super-fast.

69. Every month on WordPress, users write 70 million blog posts and leave 77 million comments. Not only that, WordPress gets a crazy 20 billion page views every month.

70. As for Medium - about 200,000 to 400,000 folks are paying to use it. And 68% of people on Medium read different posts on their phones.

71. In 2019, Wix, another platform, had a whopping 120 million users, 4.2 million of whom were using the premium version.

72. But here's a twist: not everyone trusts what these bloggers and vloggers say. In 2019, almost 90% of people were unaware of what these influencers said on social media. So, it seems people listen to them but are unsure if they can always trust them.

73. Four years ago, in the UK, around 40% of bloggers had between 1,000 and 10,000 people visiting their blogs. Only a small portion, about 10%, had more than that, like over 50,000 visitors every month.

74. Still, in the UK, as of 2022, almost 30 per cent of children from 5 years old and young people (18 years old) love to read blogs or forums. That's about a 10% increase from the data in 2010.

Other Blogging Statistics


75. In 2019, around 12% of the clothes people bought were because popular bloggers or vloggers said something about them.

76. A survey shows that over 60% of people bought things they saw on YouTube from bloggers or vloggers. Another 42% learned about stuff on Instagram before making any decisions.

77. In Sweden in 2018, a few older kids around 17 - 19 spent about six hours a day blogging or making videos. Six % of some younger kids (between 9 and 12) spent one to two hours doing the same things on the internet.

78. Things seem to be different in Poland, where not many people love to read blogs. Statistics said just 3% of people in this region read blogs or watch videos daily. But from that small group, about 11% said they might be addicted to the internet. It's quite interesting to some extent.

79. Back to Sweden. In this country, the big-time famous influencers made about $125,000 in 2020, while the smaller boys made roughly $20,000. Also, the famous influencers got way more views, between 20,000 and 250,000. But the smaller ones got between 5,000 and 10,000 views.

80. Moving to Russia in 2020, vDud was the biggest and most popular vlogger on YouTube. The account has almost 2 million followers.

81. In Spain in 2016, diabetes, doctors, treatments, pain, and symptoms are the topics many people like to discuss in health blogs.

82. Fast forward to 2020 in Norway. There's this super popular blog called Kokkejelvel, which specializes in cooking. More than 27,000 people flock daily to check out the tasty stuff posted on the blog. This is the go-to spot for food lovers in Norway.

Future Trends and Innovations in Blogging


The future of blogging (next 5 - 10 years) looks exciting. With the changing technology and online trends, bloggers are expected to change patterns, too. This also includes the way they create content. Looking at these statistics, we understand that the demand for the blogging industry will skyrocket in the coming year. Below are some essential forecasts for the blogging industry.

The Rate People Use Digital Stuff Will Increase

People spent way more time in the digital space in 2020. The hours people spent online doubled, going from three hours and 17 minutes a day to almost seven hours a day. This was as a result of the global pandemic (COVID-19). Yet, even after this pandemic, it's still going up with more online work and activities. So, here are some statistics you should know;

83. Did you know that 44% of internet users try new things after seeing an ad? This is mostly common with the younger crowd who loves checking out stuff on social media.

84. Sixty-seven per cent of people trust a product or brand just because a blogger talks about it.

Featured Tip: You must make your blog super relevant. That's because 69% of internet users only want stuff that matters to them.

Overall, know that the rise in digital activities is very important for your blog. If you utilize this period well, your blog will likely hit new highs. So, keep these statistics in mind for your game plan.

AI Will Change Things in the Blogging Sector

85. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually changing things in the online and business sectors. In 2021, it made a whopping $2.9 trillion. Also, in the same period, it saved workers 6.2 billion hours.

But let's discuss AI in content creation. Right now, a robot does the report writing on sports events. For instance, football recap from the Washington Post. They can even whip up articles like What is love' and Is love essential in human life' by turning data into a clear story. Know that they're not as cool as humans yet. They have no personality or creativity. But, you know, AI is getting bigger and smarter each year. Therefore, every blogger who wants to stay on top of the game should start planning for the long term.

Good Information Will be the King of Search Engines

Search engines like Google will show people the best and most helpful content in the coming months and years. This means they will create a mechanism to filter important content from nonsense. So, if your content is top quality and awesome, it's more likely to appear when people search for things. Further, as a blogger who wants to stand out, you must start making quality content your top priority.

86. 72% of marketers increased their content budgets in the past year, and that's good news. In addition, long and visually cool articles matter a lot to beat your competitors.

87. 95% of readers say good content is much better than channelling your energy into making sales. Quality content is the key to getting great backlinks.

Final Thoughts

With all these eye-opening facts about blogging, will you start a blog or upgrade your current one? It's not too late to join the blogging industry and start earning. The market keeps growing and is big enough to contain many. Remember to watch the latest trends and how people act in blogging. Use what you learn from these stats to plan your next piece of content better. The most important thing in blogging is your focus and readers. But, in all, these statistics will help you make effective planning.

FAQsWhat are some key statistics mentioned in the article?

The article covers various statistics relevant to blogging in 2024, including trends in user engagement, content preferences, and platform popularity. It delves into statistics related to video content, social media integration, and the impact of emerging technologies on blogging.

How can these statistics benefit my blog planning?

Understanding current trends and user preferences can help you tailor your content strategy to better resonate with your audience. By leveraging insights from the statistics provided, you can make informed decisions about the type of content to create, platforms to focus on, and strategies to employ for maximum engagement and growth.

Are there any specific recommendations based on the statistics presented?

The article offers actionable recommendations based on the statistics discussed. These recommendations include diversifying content formats, optimizing for mobile platforms, leveraging social media for distribution, and staying updated on emerging technologies shaping the blogging landscape.

How reliable are the statistics cited in the article?

The statistics referenced in the article are sourced from reputable industry reports, studies, and surveys conducted by leading research firms and organizations specializing in digital marketing and content creation. These sources ensure the reliability and credibility of the data presented.

ReferencesClick to expand sources
  1. Adobe
  2. W3Techs
  3. Content Marketing Institute
  4. Ahrefs
  5. ReportLinker
  6. WordPress
  7. Demand Gen Report
  8. BrightEdge
  9. Ahrefs
  10. Ahref
  11. Flesch Reading Ease
  12. Orbit Media
  13. GrowthBadger
  14. MarketingCharts
  15. Chicago Tribune
  16. Ahrefs
  17. Statista
  18. Statista
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