Article 6KXSX I Asked CHATGPT how to install Slackware 15 with persistence on a USB

I Asked CHATGPT how to install Slackware 15 with persistence on a USB

from on (#6KXSX)
I asked CHATGPT how to install Slackware 15 on a USB with persistence, can you give it a look and tell whether this is a good answer?

To install Slackware 15 on a USB drive with persistence from Ubuntu Linux, you'll need to follow these steps:

Download Slackware 15 ISO:
Go to the official Slackware website and download the Slackware 15 ISO file.

Prepare the USB Drive:
Insert your USB drive into your Ubuntu machine.
Open a terminal window.

Identify the USB Drive:
Run the command lsblk or sudo fdisk -l to identify the device name of your USB drive (e.g., /dev/sdX). Be cautious with this step to avoid overwriting your system drive.

Format the USB Drive:
Use the mkfs command to format the USB drive with a filesystem that supports persistence, such as ext4. Replace /dev/sdX with the actual device name of your USB drive:


sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1

Create a Persistence File:

Create a persistence file that will store your changes and data. Replace SIZE with the desired size in megabytes (MB), such as 1GB (1024MB) or 2GB (2048MB):


sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/persistence/file bs=1M count=SIZE
sudo mkfs.ext4 /path/to/persistence/file

Replace /path/to/persistence/file with the actual path where you want to create the persistence file.

Mount the USB Drive and Persistence File:

Create mount points and mount the USB drive and persistence file:


sudo mkdir /mnt/usb
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/usb
sudo mkdir /mnt/persistence
sudo mount /path/to/persistence/file /mnt/persistence

Extract Slackware ISO:

Extract the contents of the Slackware ISO to the USB drive:


sudo mount -o loop /path/to/slackware15.iso /mnt/iso
sudo cp -a /mnt/iso/* /mnt/usb/
sudo umount /mnt/iso

Configure Bootloader:

Install a bootloader (e.g., GRUB) to the USB drive to make it bootable. Adjust the paths as needed:


sudo grub-install --force --removable --boot-directory=/mnt/usb/boot /dev/sdX

Configure Persistence:

Edit the GRUB configuration to include the persistence option. Open the file /mnt/usb/boot/grub/grub.cfg in a text editor and add persistence to the kernel command line options.

Unmount and Eject:

Unmount the USB drive and persistence file, then safely eject the USB drive:


sudo umount /mnt/usb
sudo umount /mnt/persistence
sudo eject /dev/sdX

Boot from USB:
Insert the USB drive into the target system and boot from it. When booting, select the option for persistence to save your changes and data.

Keep in mind that these steps assume some familiarity with Linux command line operations and system administration. Double-check the device names (e.g., /dev/sdX) and paths to avoid data loss.
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