Article 6MG56 Australia’s online safety regulator has drawn a line in the sand for X. Will she prevail?

Australia’s online safety regulator has drawn a line in the sand for X. Will she prevail?

Josh Taylor
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6MG56)

Julie Inman Grant's order for Elon Musk's company to take down tweets containing video of a Sydney stabbing has implications for tech platforms globally

The legal battle between Australia's online safety regulator and Elon Musk's X is shaping up as the first true test of the power governments can wield over tech platforms, not just within Australia but globally.

There have been skirmishes between Musk and the eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, before. But tensions rose in the aftermath of the stabbing of bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on 15 April while he was giving a livestreamed service at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd church in the Sydney suburb of Wakeley.

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