Article 6MNEH Diva Cups: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Diva Cups: the 10 funniest things I have ever seen (on the internet)

Ella Beer and Maria Dimitrakas from Diva Cups
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6MNEH)

The pop DJ duo are old enough to have Omegle trauma but young enough to have brain rot. It's a winning combination

Hey! We're the Diva Cups. Pleasure to meet you. If you don't know us, know that four hands + one shared brain cell + a mutual adoration for pop music = a mildly successful Sydney DJ career. Also note that if there's one thing we love as much as we love pop music, it's funny things on the internet.

As zillennials, we're old enough to recall the ear-piercing tones of a dial-up modem and have mild Omegle trauma, but young enough to have had our attention spans aggressively eroded by short-form video content before our frontal lobes fully developed. Naturally, we are two certified digital natives who fly the flag and keep our screen time as abysmally high as we can.

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